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Frequently asked questions

Where do you find these jobs?

We find jobs from all over the internet and curate them on our website. We then pass them to our clever AI solution to label them correctly.

We then manually approve each job to ensure it's high-quality and relevant.

This means we provide much higher quality jobs than other job boards.

Where do I find remote JavaScript jobs?

You can find remote JavaScript jobs on RemoteYeah! We also post jobs on X (Twitter), LinkedIn and other platforms. See our community page for more information.

What are the front-end developer salaries?

According to data from Glassdoor, front-end developers, also known as front-end engineers, front-end web developers, JavaScript developers, HTML/CSS developers, front-end web designers or front-end web architects can make between $86,000 and $150,000 per year.

It's important to keep in mind that these are just averages and the actual salary depends on factors such as experience level, specific skills, location, and company size. Generally expect higher salary with more experience and specific skills.

What are the back-end developer salaries?

According to data from Glassdoor, back-end developers, also known as back-end engineers, back-end web developers, back-end architects or server-side developers can make between $88,000 and $163,000 per year.

It's important to keep in mind that these are just averages and the actual salary depends on factors such as experience level, specific skills, location, and company size. Generally expect higher salary with more experience and specific skills.

What are the full-stack developer salaries?

According to data from Glassdoor, full-stack developers, also known as full-stack engineers, full-stack web developers, full-stack architects or full-stack programmers can make between $90,000 and $162,000 per year.

It's important to keep in mind that these are just averages and the actual salary depends on factors such as experience level, specific skills, location, and company size. Generally expect higher salary with more experience and specific skills.

How can I get a remote JavaScript job?

To get a remote JavaScript job, you need to apply to job postings. You should have a good resume, cover letter and portfolio. Start off by learning JavaScript and building projects that you can showcase to potential employers. You can also use RemoteYeah to find junior level JavaScript jobs and apply to them.

Why should I become a JavaScript developer?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It's used to build websites, web applications, mobile apps, and even server-side applications. JavaScript developers are in high demand and can earn a high salary. If you enjoy coding and want to work in tech, becoming a JavaScript developer is a great choice.

With JavaScript in your toolkit, you will always have a job.

Can I get a job knowing only JavaScript?

Despite JavaScript being a versatile language, it's not enough to know only JavaScript to get a job as a JavaScript developer. Even as an entry-level developer, you will need to know more than just JavaScript.

What you need to know will vary depending on the job you're applying for (front-end developer, back-end developer, full-stack developer), but you will likely need to know HTML, CSS, and at least one JavaScript framework or library.

You should also be familiar with version control systems like Git, and have a basic understanding of databases and server-side programming.

A solid understanding of concepts beyond JavaScript will make you a more well-rounded developer and will put you a leg up from the competition. There are myriad of JavaScript frameworks and libraries. As long as you're willing to learn and adapt, sky is the limit.

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